Projects in progress

Cern Incubator
In progressTwo business incubators of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) have been established in Lithuania: at Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park and Kaunas Science and Technology Park. The agreement on this establishment between Lithuania and CERN was signed on July 4, 2019. [...]

In progressThe project aims to enhance market presence of women-led startups, boost access to funding and investment, facilitate ecosystem integration and support, promote inclusion and diversity in the tech sector, accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. It will [...]

HUCO LABS: Collaborative HVET-University-COmpany Labs for Research
In progressIn November 2024 Sunrise Tech Park started implementing Erasmus+ funded project HUCO LABS. The project aims to develop a training model designed to equip mid-level technicians with essential R&D skills, enabling them to effectively collaborate with teams of [...]

FINEX: Stimulating and connecting the FINEST experimentation practices and spaces
In progressIn 2024 Sunrise Tech Park starts implementing European Innovation Ecosystems‘ project FINEX designed to strengthen the European Cleantech innovation ecosystems by connecting and promoting the best experimentation spaces and practices. The objectives of FINEX [...]

SmartEcoTech: Smart and climate neutral Lithuania
In progressThe consortium of Vilnius Gediminas University of Technology (VilniusTech) aims to develop smart, climate-neutral production technologies and materials (SmartEcoTech) leveraging the scientific research and experimental development ecosystem of technological universities and companies. The [...]

StreamIT: ST(R)E(A)M IT/Streaming girls and women into steam education, innovation and research
In progressThe main objective of ST(R)E(A)M IT is to initiate change about the persisting gender inequalities in STEM education, research, and innovation to contribute to the implementation of the ‘The European Manifesto for gender-inclusive STE(A)M education and careers.’ [...]

EU.fficient: European Communities of Facilitators focused on Co-creation training, Networking and Hands-on learning
In progressThe project's objective is to develop and validate a training platform tailored for digitization facilitators, offering access to premier training resources and networking prospects. Users will have the capability to self-assess their learning requirements and [...]

UAseeds: Seeds of Bravery
In progressWe take pride in our partnership with the Horizon4Ukraine programme project "Seeds of Bravery" (UASeeds), which was launched in October 2023. Conducting a thorough analysis of Ukraine's innovation ecosystem post the Russian invasion, the collaboration involves six Ukrainian entities and sixteen [...]

In progressStartupLAB is strategically designed to catalyze the expansion and enhancement of Lithuania's startup ecosystem. Throughout the StartupLAB initiative, an extensive and methodical innovation promotion programme will be deployed, targeting small and medium-sized enterprises across Western and [...]

Net0Manager: Carbon Management Training course for entrepreneurs of a net zero tomorrow
In progressIn September 2023, Sunrise Tech Park joined the Erasmus+ programme project "Net0 Manager." The primary objective of this project is to enhance the skills and competences of managers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the realm of CO2 management, fostering the adoption of [...]

LIAISE: Cooperation, Development, and Cross-border Transfer of Industrial Symbiosis Among Industry and Stakeholders
In progressSince October 2024, Sunrise Tech Park has become a participant in the COST action LIAISE, titled "Cooperation, Development, and Cross-border Transfer of Industrial Symbiosis Among Industry and Stakeholders." LIAISE endeavors to establish an inclusive and comprehensive Industrial Symbiosis (IS) [...]

In progressIn January 2023, the Interreg BSR programme project "BioBoosters" was launched, bringing together seven countries in the Baltic Sea region renowned for their advanced bioeconomy innovation ecosystems. The overarching objective of this initiative is to foster the development of circular [...]

EDIH VILNIUS: accelerating green and digital transformation in Vilnius region
In progressThe EDIH VILNIUS consortium is strategically aligning its members' strengths and competencies to facilitate the implementation of digitalization processes for SMEs and public institutions in the Vilnius region. Leveraging supercomputing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity technologies, [...]

MERIT: Master of Science in Smart, Secure and Interconnected Systems
In progressSunrise Tech Park has engaged in the Digital Europe project MERIT, launched in 2022 with a strategic vision to address Europe's digital skills gap. At the core of this initiative is a joint Master programme collaboratively offered by four European universities—Universitat Politècnica de [...]
Completed projects

BOWI: Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs
CompletedIn 2021, the Sunrise Valley Digital Innovation Hub (SSSIC) became a participant in the international project BOWI (Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs). The primary aim of the BOWI initiative is to establish a network of digital innovation hubs and small to [...]

SmartDev - BSR: Smart development of human capital and cooperation platforms to ensure sustainable economic growth of the Baltic Sea region
CompletedIn 2023, Sunrise Tech Park became a part of the SmartDev - BSR initiative, which was launched by the Latvian GreenTech cluster and financed by the Swedish Institute. The overarching objective of the project is to cultivate a collaboration network through the [...]

ClimAccelerator: Baltic & Slovakia ClimAccelerator
CompletedSharing a vision of contributing to a green and sustainable future, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovakia are joining their efforts to boost the development and deal flow of cleantech start-ups in the CEE region. The consortium is bound to find synergies in [...]

CompletedClimateLaunchpad stands as the world's preeminent competition for innovative green business concepts, dedicated to unlocking the full potential of cleantech solutions addressing the challenges of climate change. This competition is an integral component of the Entrepreneurship offerings [...]

Development of Sunrise Valley Digital Innovation Hub
CompletedIn December 2020, Sunrise Tech Park launched an Innovation Group, collaborating with nine organizations dedicated to digital innovation. This marked the commencement of the project titled "Development of Activities and Services of the Sunrise Valley Digital Innovation Hub".
The Sunrise [...]

CompletedThe widest innovation consultant consortium in Lithuania is implementing the project „Innovation consultancy and support services for business“ (Inospurtas). The project foresees activities to provide innovation consultancy and support services which promote R&D&I and its [...]

CompletedFuturepreneurs is an Erasmus+ programme (2016-2018) funded project aiming to develop and test a sustainability pre-acceleration programme. This comprehensive business development training initiative comprises five thoroughly designed training sessions, or workshops, guiding participants [...]

CompletedAt the end of 2021, Sunrise Valley DIH became a member of the DIH2 (DIH Squared) network. The network connects EU technology centers with access to robotics competencies. The members of the DIH2 network aim to transform the European manufacturing sector utilising technology for SMEs and this [...]

CompletedProject duration: from May 2022 to April 2023 (12 months).
In 2022, the Sunrise Valley Digital Innovation Centre will become part of the Change2Twin project community, bringing together digital innovation centres and small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) in applying [...]

Competencies LT
CompletedMain objective of the project „Lithuanian manufacturing companies employees digital competences development to digitalise manufacturing processes, No. 09.4.3-ESFA-K-814-02-0008“ – increase manufacturing companies employees professional competences, ensure their capabilities to adapt to [...]

Policies & Measures to Support Local & Regional Innovation Ecosystems (EcoRIS3)
CompletedEcoRIS3 project deals with seven European policy instruments, which will be reviewed in the context of today’s innovation and economy development. Partners will analyse innovative regions and identify elements, which determine successful launch and expansion of [...]

Area Based Collaborative Entrepreneurship in Cities (ABCitiEs)
CompletedArea Based Collaborative Entrepreneurship (ABCE) means entrepreneurs collaborate by co-investing in facilities and initiatives, market their urban district collectively, improve shared public space, etc. The value of such collectives is increasingly recognised by [...]

Smart factories in new EU member states
CompletedSunrise Valley Digital Innovation Hub (SV DIH) takes part in H2020 initiative „Smart factories in new EU member states“ which is providing training and mentoring needed to shift SV DIH into operational stage. Representatives of Sunrise Valley Digital Innovation Hub took part in the Kick off [...]

InnoCAPE - Transforming innovation ecosystem through better capacity of public enablers (Industry 4.0)
CompletedThe idea of the project is to increase the capacity of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) in the Baltic Sea Region, which would become the new vehicles to implement digitalisation strategies / policies designed by respective public authorities. Therefore, InnoCAPE involves 3 public authorities from [...]

EDIH digital maturity assessment tool piloting in Lithuania
CompletedThe InnoCAPE DMA tool developed during the InnoCAPE project has attracted the attention of the countries and organizations beyond the Baltic Sea Region. One of them also includes the European Joint Research Center. At the beginning of 2021, the EJRC has started [...]

CompletedIn 2020, together with RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) and the Latvian IT Cluster, an application was submitted to analyze the level of involvement of future European digital innovation hubs, identify needs and publicize the topic of inclusiveness. This pre-study included 5 [...]

SmartUp Accelerator Network
CompletedThe network was initiated as a result of the Interreg BSR project and is coordinated by Innovatum - a science and technology park in Sweden.
During the accelerator's operation, the members of the network met in several virtual [...]

Fostering use of technical spaces in higher education (HEI MAKERS)
CompletedThe aim of the HEI MAKERS project is to increase innovation and creativity through partnership of higher education institutions (HEIs) and technical spaces, leading to trans-disciplinary approaches and new teaching methods in HEI, availability of open resources for formal and non formal [...]

CompletedSunrise Valley Science and Technology Park is expanding its network of international partners through the project „Search for partners in the field of modern technologies for entrepreneurial skills development in Enterprise Europe Network regions“. The project (Nr. [...]

Promotion of innovative business establishment (INOVEKS)
CompletedIn 2015 - 2016, the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology, together with the universities and science and technology parks operating within Lithuania (including the Public Enterprise Saulėtekio slėnis (Sunrise Valley) implemented the project INOVEKS, the total value of which was EUR [...]

Technology and Science for Innovative Enterprises (InoSkaita)
CompletedIn 2012 - 2015, the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology, together with science and technology parks operating within Lithuania, including the Public Enterprise Saulėtekio slėnis (Sunrise Valley), implemented the project Technology and Science for Innovative Enterprises. The project [...]

Development of technology transfer skills in research and study institutions of the Lithuanian Valleys (TP-Uni)
CompletedIn 2011 - 2014, the Public Enterprise Saulėtekio slėnis (Sunrise Valley) together with its partners implemented a project TP-Uni, the goal of which was to develop and implement training sessions focused on development of technology transfer and entrepreneurship skills in scientists, [...]

Sunrise Valley School of Entrepreneurship adVenture
CompletedThe aim of AdVenture project, implemented over the period from 2011 to 2013, was to promote establishment of new enterprises in Lithuania while enhancing entrepreneurship skills of students. The principles of innovations management and functioning, establishment of new businesses, design and [...]

Enhancement of the Sunrise universities' role in innovations support system (UnInova)
CompletedIn December 2011, the Public Enterprise Saulėtekio slėnis (Sunrise Valley) completed implementation of the UnInova project. The primary goal of this project was to develop the competences of the scientists of Vilnius University and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, expand the thematic [...]

The 2nd stage of technology transfer centre development (TPC2)
CompletedThe aim of TPC2 project was to contribute to the improvement of the conditions of Lithuanian business enterprise innovativeness, compatibility and ability to develop the R&D activity. In the course of the project (2009 - 2011), the non-refundable advices on business development, legal, [...]

Innovation support network in integrated science, studies and business centres (Valleys) (InoTinklas)
CompletedThe project InoTinklas (Innonetwork), implemented over the period from 2009 to 2011, was the sole initiative linking the science and technology parks of all five 'Valleys' that are being established in Lithuania. This initiative was aimed at concentrating the potential of the parks when [...]

Ready for Equity! 2
CompletedIn 2008 – 2010, during the implementation of the Ready for Equity! 2 (RfE!2) project, the trainings of business angels, entrepreneurs and business support organisations run in the developing markets of risk capital, were conducted. Within the scope of this project, the start-up companies [...]

Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park development project (first stage)
CompletedDuring the implementation of the first stage of this project, in September 2008, the Public Enterprise Saulėtekio slėnis (Sunrise Valley) finished construction and installation/equipment works of the Science and Technology Park. The Science and Technology Park, which occupies a 6 300 sq. m. [...]

Centre for Technology Transfer
CompletedThe primary goal of this project was to set up a permanent innovations support system designed for development of science and business collaboration networks and innovation activity and promotion of transfer of technology from Vilnius University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and [...]

Sunrise Valley School of Entrepreneurship
CompletedIn 2006 - 2008, the Public Enterprise Saulėtekio slėnis (Sunrise Valley), together with its partners had successfully implemented the project Sunrise [Valley] School of Entrepreneurship, which was granted a EUR 327 thousand. aid. The aim of this project was to develop a practical training and [...]

CompletedIn 2004 – 2005, the Public Enterprise Saulėtekio slėnis (Sunrise Valley), together with Tartu Biotechnology Park, Ekspla and Vilnius University participated in the BRIDGE project, which aimed to invite Lithuanian high technology enterprises and scientific research institutes to join the [...]

PHARE support for the project „Sunrise Valley: breaking grounds“
CompletedIn 2004 - 2005, the Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Studies (Great Britain) implemented the project on the development of Sunrise Valley knowledge economy nucleus strategy and business plan funded by the EU Phare programme (EUR 195 thousand) Public Enterprise Saulėtekio slėnis (Sunrise [...]

CompletedIn 2003 – 2004, the Public Enterprise Saulėtekio slėnis (Sunrise Valley) participated in the project Support to the Innovation Structure (SINO) as business support / consultancy agency. Within the scope of this project, a training programme for small and medium-sized business enterprises [...]