Cleantech for Baltics
In 2023 Sunrise Tech Park together with partners from Latvia and Estonia initiated Cleantech for Baltics coalition. The coalition strives to address pressing environmental challenges and [...]

EIT Climate KIC
Since 2022 Sunrise Tech Park is a member of a Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community (Climate KIC) supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and has participated in [...]

European entrepreneurs CEA-PME
Since 2017 Sunrise Tech Park is a member of European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME (Confédération Européenne des Associations de Petites et Moyennes Entreprises) which in Brussels-based [...]

European Digital SME Alliance
Since 2022 Sunrise Tech Park participates in the European DIGITAL SME Alliance which is the largest network of ICT small and medium enterprises in Europe, representing more than 45,000 [...]

Alliance of Internet of Things and Edge Computing Innovation – AIOTI
Since 2022 m. Sunrise Tech Park participates in the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation and Edge Computing Innovation (AIOTI). The Alliance helps European businesses by working together on [...]