Cleantech refers to technological solutions that address global environmental issues. Cleantech includes various technologies, software, the Internet of Things (IoT), and even financial services. In Lithuania, the application of cleantech spans three main industry sectors: renewable energy, mobility and transportation, and resources and environment. The ‘Lithuania Cleantech Ecosystem 2023 Review’ analyzes the most innovative cleantech products and services provided by startups and engineering startups.
In 2023, the Lithuanian cleantech market experienced gradual growth. Total investments in cleantech in Lithuania for the year reached €107.5 million – a 70% annual increase. Since 2017, when the consolidation of the Lithuanian cleantech market began, total investments in local clean technologies have amounted to €812.5 million.
Currently, there are 60 active startups and engineering startups in Lithuania’s energy, transportation, resources, and environment sectors, six of which successfully completed investment stages still in 2023.
The ‘Lithuania Cleantech Ecosystem 2023 Review’ highlights the importance of the cleantech sector to the local economy. With significant global investments in renewable energy, new mobility, and related clean technologies, Lithuania is well-prepared to take a leadership position in the region.
Detailed review:
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