The LIAISE COST Action conference, a ground- breaking three-day event dedicated to exploring Industrial Symbiosis and Circular
Economy, concluded today with nearly a hundred attendees gathering at Parque Científico de Alicante at the Universidad de Alicante. The conference featured a rich agenda of presentations, roundtable discussions, and collaborative sessions aimed at
advancing sustainable industrial practices across Europe.
The conference kicked off on April 23rd with a Management Committee (MC) meeting, where 44 MC members outlined the project’s progress, discussed financial justifications, and reviewed the goals for the next grant period. The first day set the
stage for further exploration of Industrial Symbiosis, which involves transforming waste or by-products from one industry into valuable resources for another, promoting a sustainable and circular approach to production and consumption.
On April 24th, the conference moved to the CETEM headquarters in Yecla (Murcia), with a focus on Working Group meetings that delved into various aspects of Industrial Symbiosis. Around 62 attendees participated in a series of parallel sessions, exploring topics such as state-of-the-art practices, research papers, stakeholder mapping, and barriers to Industrial Symbiosis. The day included a visit to a furniture company showcasing circular and IS practices, emphasizing the real-world applications of the concepts discussed.
“The visit to the furniture company was a highlight of the event for me. Seeing first- hand how circular and Industrial Symbiosis practices are being implemented in the industry was both educational and inspiring.” – Nazim Yuker, RedEco
The final day, April 25th, took place at Parque Científico de Alicante. The day began with a warm welcome from José Luís Todolí Torro, Director of the Secretariat of Knowledge Transfer at the University of Alicante. 53 attendees from LIAISE COST
Action plus the 28 stakeholders were also addressed by Esteban Pelayo, Manager of the Alicante Science Park, who discussed innovative projects in the park. The day featured pitching sessions where participants shared ideas and initiatives, roundtable
discussions on challenges and opportunities in Industrial Symbiosis, and a presentation on transforming ideas into reality.
“I left the conference feeling optimistic about the future of industrial sustainability. The momentum generated over the three days is a testament to the dedication and passion of everyone involved in advancing the cause of Industrial Symbiosis and Circular Economy.” Branko Dunjic, University of Belgrade.
A special thank you to the organisers, particularly the Action Chair Almudena Muñoz, and CETEM, for their exceptional work in coordinating this event. The conference not only provided a platform for knowledge sharing but also created new networking
opportunities and collaborations among industry professionals, researchers, and policymakers. The discussions and insights from these sessions will contribute to furthering the cause of Industrial Symbiosis and Circular Economy.
For more information on LIAISE COST Action and to stay updated on future events and activities, please visit our website at or follow us on social media.
Together, we are working towards a more sustainable and symbiotic industrial landscape.