Hackathon “Hack4Vilnius”

HACK4VILNIUS is a hackathon dedicated to promoting innovations for the city of Vilnius. The first HACK4VILNIUS took place in 2018 and has been already held for 4 years. Traditionally, the hackathon is organized every year in early autumn. In 2020, due to pandemic, the event was held virtually. 

The three-day event aims to promote innovations that help businesses, organizations, people, and the capital itself overcome the biggest challenges it faces in becoming a smarter, healthier, and greener city that offers sustainable mobility solutions. Every year event attracts over 100 participants, among which are programmers, designers, business developers,  students, or people motivated and willing to create innovative solutions for the capital. In order to gain knowledge and successfully develop their solutions, teams are offered consultations with mentors from prominent business and public companies, including successful start-ups, business support organizations, and corporate lawyers. Seminars for the development of specific skills are also offered. The hackathon ends in the final pitching event where teams get a chance to present their solutions to the jury and win valuable prizes.

HACK4VILNIUS is organized by Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park, Vilnius University, Vilnius Tech, and Cognizant Technology Solutions Lithuania.